In my first post I stated that I would share any tips that have been helpful throughout this adventure. Well, here are a few.
In regards to a colic baby. Here is what worked for us.
-I stopped nursing at 3 months and we put her on Enfamil Nutramigen. I don't know if we just reached that golden age of the colic stopping or if the formula did the trick, but she did soooooo much better after the switch. Of course I was hesitant to stop nursing so soon but this worked for us so I'm not gonna question it. Buyer Beware!!! - Nutramigen is stinky and the spit up is stinky, be warned. We have since moved to regular Enfamil Infant and she is doing great.
-She was prescribed by our Dr. .5ml Prevacid twice a day. This stopped the spit-ups that shot out of her nose which made us all much happier. She will probably be on this for at least 6 mos.
-Swaddling! Do it! She felt secure and it truly helps her sleep. We use the Aiden and Anais brand. They are large, which makes for good wrapping and they have a stretch to them which allows for a snug swaddle. I have also heard good things about the "magic blanket" and the Summertime swaddles that velcro but I have not personally used those.
-Babywise. OK, I'm on the fence with this one. On one hand, it was good to have a schedule as a guide. But, on the other hand, our baby was a little more of a challenge and a schedule just didn't work with her. You can make yourself (and your baby) a little crazy trying to fit into a schedule. Sometimes you just have to let nature take it's course. DO NOT feel bad if Babywise does not work for you. There is nothing wrong with you or your baby if their methods just don't pan out. However, I do have friends who swear by Babywise and have happy, healthy babies who sleep great. So, if it works for you - Awesome!, if not- no big deal.
-Baby Einstein Takealong Tunes! OMG! This toy, which plays classical music and lights up, was a miracle! That is really all I can say. You have to get one. She stopped crying instantly and would watch those lights dance like they were the most interesting soap opera ever!
-Vacuuming. I would put Sophie in the Baby Bjorn and vacuum. She seemed to like the noise. Now, there is only so much time you can vacuum. But it worked for us.
-Music in general. Calmed the savage beast.
Overall, just hang in there. It will get better and the happy baby you envisioned will emerge. For us, it took 4 months. We are just starting to meet the fun, cute Sophie that we dreamed about. I promise, you DO NOT have the unhappiest baby in the world. I thought this many times and wondered what the Hell we were doing wrong. Sometimes all it takes is time.
Courtany, I admired u & any mom who has gone thru this! Mine is 31/2 months now, & luckily we didn't have the colic deamon. I thought the daily evening fussiness was bad & had to drink a couple to deal w/ that, but can't imagine having to deal w/ hours of crying! Read Babywise, & it only made me cry & feel inadequate b/c Mason wouldnt follow the schedule! Found some other books to read that did work for me & did take a few things from Babywise. Glad your colic days r over & u can really enjoy her now!