Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome Home Baby! Part 3 (Final)

     We leave the pediatrician's office with me, still an un-medicated, starving,exhausted, stressed out wreck and now have to head to the hospital to get my sweet Sophie's blood drawn to check her jaundice levels.  I must insert an apology here to Dr. T.  I did leave a banana peel in your parking lot.  I was so very hungry and a banana was the only snack I could quickly grab from home.  Remember that this level of tired and miserable will make you act out of character.  I hope that no one took a cartoon-like fall on behalf of my littering.
     MIL and I get baby to hospital and begin the super-fun process of check in.  I swear, my oral French finals from college were easier than this check-in process.  We then get escorted to the lab waiting room where the only available seats were the toddler-sized table and chairs.  Let me tell ya, my booty plopped right down on one of those pint-sized chairs and I swear I have never been so grateful for seating in my life.  Even if it was approx. 12" off the floor. 
     My MIL, who is now quite worried about me, goes off to find me some sustenance.  (Don't worry about Sophie, she's been fed and has been sleeping soundly.  Good for her!)  She returns with O.J. and a chocolate covered marshmallow Santa. (It is Christmas time after all)  Screw any brunch I've ever had. That dang Santa was the best thing I ever ate!
     A heel prick for Sophie proves that she is indeed jaundice and not just a pretty tan like we had hoped.  We then, finally, get sent home and now have to wait for the magical jaundice man (because in my stupor I swear I do NOT remember where this man came from) to come to my house to deliver Sophie's Bili-blanket.
     I have never heard of a Bili-blanket but it sounds just like Aladdin's magic carpet.  In reality, not so much.  It's like a plastic paddle attached to a hose attached to a whirring machine. It does glow blue, which is kind of cool.  But your baby does look a bit nuclear when you have to stick it under their clothes and up against their skin.  Oh! But the extra special bit of fun is that this blue light paddle makes your baby poo and pee like a machine.  Who would've thought?!!!
     24 hours later our little gal was a healthy shade of pink and pale.  Bye bye magical machine.  And "officially" welcome home Sophie!

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