Monday, April 11, 2011

Welcome Home Baby! Part 2

      After a very long day we leave the hospital with strict instructions to get our little gal checked by her pediatrician the next day because she was bordering on jaundice.  We head home where my fantastic mother-in-law (yes, I did use the word "fantastic" to describe my MIL.  I'm a lucky gal right?)  has prepared a great salmon dinner for us.  However, reality and sleep deprivation are starting to kick in to full gear so, really, I could have been eating dog food and probably not known the difference.  Then it is time for our first bed time as a family.
     Now, I don't know how many of you have slept in a room with a newborn but they sound alot like little warthogs while they sleep.  Our gal did indeed sleep pretty well that first night home but the grunting piggy noises didn't exactly lure us to sleep.  Also, as a nursing mom, you feed your newborn about every 3 hours (that's from beginning of feeding to beginning of next feeding).  And, since they take about 30 min. to eat, well you do the math as to how much actual sleep you get.  For a person who would list "napping" as a fave thing to do, this was a slight shock to my system.
     I get up the next morning (ungodly early) and call the baby doc who tells us they can fit us in in 30 min.  Cue the circus music and let the show begin!  Panic!  Get baby up! Get baby dressed! No, that onesie isn't buttoned up correctly but there is no time to fix.  Yep, I think her diaper is indeed wet but again, no time to fix, will change her when we get there.  Make-up for me, who are you kidding!  Hair brushed?  Nope, put on a hat.  Teeth brushed? Nope, get some gum.  Breakfast? Forget about it.  Oh! And did I mention that I got home too late the night before to pick up my pain meds (C-sect. recovery) from the pharmacy?  So I'm going on little-to-no sleep, no breakfast no pain meds.  Awesome!
     Roll into the Dr.'s office late, of course,and kind of looking like a crazy person with my baby in an outfit half buttoned and a wet diaper.  I'm surprised social services weren't called.  Get into the exam room and, guess what? It's time to feed the baby. Whip out the boob because at this point pride has left the building. Now keep in mind, this is the first time I have met this pediatrician.  You can imagine what kind of first impression I must have made when he walked in to the disheveled mess that was waiting for him in that exam room.  I must say, the way he let it roll off him, I must not have been the first mom to come into his office looking like the hot mess that I was.  So, for making me feel like I was perfectly normal and not taking a ride on the crazy train, Dr. T has become one of our favorite people!

Stay tuned for Part 3.

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