Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy (Very Belated) Mother's Day! And I Swear You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

     I want to wish a long overdue Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and especially to the new mothers. 
     I don't know what I really expected for my first Mother's Day but I must admit that hazy, happy visions of sleeping in, followed by brunch, maybe a shopping trip to Northpark (all by myself!) or a spa package dreamily ran through my head.  Reality, as it tends to be, ended up being far more colorful.
     I swear the following is all true, even I'm not creative enough to make this stuff up,  but I'm now going to walk you through my memorable and "hit you in the face with a frying pan" real first Mother's Day.
     I am the wife of a die-hard sports freak.  Not just a "fan", not a "fanatic" but a true blue FREAK.  I am a football widow.  I am a fantasy football survivor.  Basically, I am an awesome wife for putting up with the level of freakness that goes on in this house.  For example, we did a slide show of photos at our rehearsal dinner and about 75% of the photos of the two of us were taken at some sporting event.  Anyway, you get the idea.  Well, as luck would have it, the Dallas Mavericks (of which we are season ticket holders - Freak) happened to be in the playoffs vs. the Lakers the weekend of Mother's Day. So my husband invites a friend in town, who shall remain nameless, but you know who you are.  They go to the game Friday night of Mother's Day weekend which means I'm babysitting, home, alone.
     Oh Wait!  I'm not home alone! I'm also home with my dog who has an ear infection and is on steroids.  Poor poor baby has to go pee about every 10 minutes due to the steroids and I can't let him in the backyard because we have 3 baby bluejays who have taken up residence, can't fly yet, and who my dog would promptly kill if he was allowed out there.  So every time he has to go to the bathroom I have to bjorn up the baby and leash up the dog and head out to the front yard.  Let me tell ya, it wasn't a beating at all!
     Saturday comes around and we still have our guest in town because now the boys are all meeting up for Fantasy Football Lotto!  REALLY!  So, yes, that means that it's me, baby and over-peeing pooch again.  However, to make it a little more interesting, our guest uses the guest bath, flushes, and every toilet, bathtub and shower in the house begin to overflow.  So now I'm home alone (b/c the boys have lotto), waiting for a plumber with the over-peeing pooch and baby who is getting cranky because it's past bedtime.  Once the plumber fixes the problem and baby goes to bed I then got the honor of cleaning all the poo water off the floors, toilets, tubs and showers.  IT WAS AWESOME!
     This brings us to Sunday, Mother's Day.  Well guess what? The Mavs have another home game.  Bye bye hubs!  Off to the game again which again leaves me with (say it with me) baby and over-peeing pooch.

I deserve a medal!

Hope you all had a good one that did not require Lysol-ing your entire house.

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