If you have read any of my previous posts then you know that our little Sophie suffered from a colic-rager the first 3 months of her life. Since we tried everything except voodoo (which I would have resorted to if I thought it would have worked) to calm the savage beast that was our child, we have been big advocates of the swaddle. Swaddling, in our case, really did help calm her down for naps and bedtime. We used the Aden + Anais muslin swaddles for their breathability and stretchiness. We would wrap her up like a little cigar and she would settle right down.
Well, we are almost to her 6 month birthday. Colic left the building 3 months ago but the swaddle remains. What was once a blessing has now become our curse because Sophie can not and will not sleep without being swaddled.
Last week we implemented Project No Swaddle in which we decided to forgo the swaddle at naptime (I'm waaaay too big of a weakling to attempt it at night yet, I need my beauty sleep!). I was ready to go and fired up over getting Sophie over the swaddle. My sorority-mate, Brenna, was going through the same thing with her son so I recruited her (long-distance as she is in Chicago) to be my wingman through this difficult process. We wrote back and forth each day discussing our success and failures. SIDENOTE- Ladies! A Wingman is very helpful for surviving motherhood obstacles with grace and sanity! So thank you Brenna!
First off I must say that Brenna is a stronger woman than I as she went swaddle-free at night as well. And, I must say that she mostly shared success stories while I shared failures. Her little guy seemed a bit more open to the idea of going free-arming during sleep than my gal.
Here is how it went down in my home. Sophie would get very sleepy for her nap. I would rock her (which I don't normally do to get her to sleep) but I wanted her good and asleep before I put her down. I then got her in her sleep sack and put her down. She would sleep about 30 minutes and be up rubbing her face, waving those little arms and being generally miserable. Poor lady just can't do it. Those arms are a great and powerful mystery to her. Although I try to explain to her that they are attached to her body and that SHE controls them she just doesn't seem to get it!
Five days later of basically no napping we finally gave up on Project No Swaddle. Brenna is still going strong! Go Brenna!
We determined that Soph is just not ready for the big time yet. I, personally, am trying to adopt a more go with the flow attitude to this motherhood gig and, let me tell ya, that can be hard at times. Anyway, we are taking a more organic approach with the swaddle and letting her work it out. As my neighbor Annette told me, "You aren't going to have to swaddle her to sleep when she is 15." My gawd I certainly hope not.
In the meantime, as I have also stated before, you have to laugh at tough situations or your just won't make it through. So, I downloaded Run DMC "It's Tricky" and my husband and I had a great time watching the video monitor, listening to that song, and watching Soph wave those arms around. She may have a future in break dancing.
Oh sweet pea, you are so nice to me. To let you know that it is not all beer and skittles over here, I just literally pulled rock hard poop out of Fisher's bottom. The poor boy is so constipated right now. He also has no desire to eat solid foods. My cousin promises me he won't go to kindergarten with his bottles so we will get there eventually. So will Soph! You are doing a great job, keep it up Mama!!