So first I must apologize for my tardiness, although I've never Ever been the girl with the perfect attendance record. I have actually had people ask me why I haven't blogged lately and, let me tell you, that is both humbling and supremely flattering. To think that people actually check this to read what I have to say is just overwhelming.
Now for where I have been these past few months. First of all, my beautiful, sweet, but "difficult" baby somehow morphed into a regular little chap. She has been eating, sleeping, breathing goodness lately. As much as I am reveling in this fact, it makes for no good writing material! I mean, who wants to listen to those moms that go on and on and on about their perfect angel baby? Not me. Hey! More power to ya if that's the hand that you were dealt. However, most of us were not blessed with golden babies and we actually want to physically punch you in the face if you proceed to pontificate on your glorious introduction to motherhood. I'm not kidding, straight up cage fight cold-cock to the face.
Anyway, my gal has been good of late. I'm not gonna brag beyond that. That doesn't mean that life hasn't thrown some serious curveballs lately. I have many many times referred to my life as a "comedy of errors" because it seems that whenever things are going smoothly "old man drama" comes to knock you upside the head. Well, after a few months of relative calm the waters have turned choppy.
As a Stay At Home Mom, or COH (Chief of Household), we rely kinda heavily on the hubs job. His company recently faced a buyout by another company and we feared layoffs. Someone up above was looking down on us because my husband was offered a better position within his company amid all the shuffle. It's an opportunity that he has worked hard for and deserves (in his wife's opinion) but, here's the kicker! It requires a move out of state.
Goodbye Texas, it's been fun, hello land of Mardi Gras, laissez les bon temps rouler, and jambalaya. This Yankee is heading to Louisiana!
I have to tell you, I can think of no better fun than getting your house prepared to go on the market, the week before Christmas, with a 1 year old attached to your hip. It has been an adventure to say the least. Anyway, house is listed, new house is under contract, baby and dog are in tow and we are a'movin'.
Stick around because hilarity is sure to ensue.....